Next Lodge meeting
Saturday, 15th March
Next Chapter meeting
Harry Fozard
Sadly, we do not have many details of our past member W Bro. Harry Fozard. We think he lived in the area of Leigh-on-Sea and was happily married with a family; it was intimated in a conversation several years ago by some senior members that he was a jolly type. He took the chair becoming our Worshipful Master in 1939.
That meeting must have carried a sense of foreboding when only 6 weeks earlier during the 1st September, the Second World War was declared.
Amongst the small amount of memorabilia we have from Harry there was a copy of his Installation Festival brochure together with a February 1940 summons, shown below.

shown here is his Installation Festival Menu - bearing in mind war had been declared with Germany only 6 weeks earlier, food was still in abundance then, going by the 5 course meal
shown here is the Installation Toast List - Note the first toast
shown here is the Officers list for the year 1948-1949 with W J Harvey as Master - if you look on the left Past Masters list, Harry Fozard is shown with PPAGDC honours.

The summons shown is the February 1940 meeting during Harry's year. Note the time the meeting commenced at 4.30pm with a 3rd degree, 2nd degree and a presentation of a certificate to get through with no Call Off. One assumes Call Off's were not included on summons then.
Also as usual for those times there is no mention of dining arrangements.

Finally, we have a copy of the Southend Fire Brigade Certificate confirming Harry's full course of instruction in Air Raid Precautions. Please note the date December 1937, nearly two years before the commencement of the Second World War.