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Saturday, 15th March
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Canute Tide
The Canute Tide was published by the Canute Lodge 3107 providing their members with an informative and humorous paper covering lodge events and freemasonry generally.
The first copy was published during January 1973 and continued through to the late 1990's. There were a few editions published in 2000 and again in 2009.
Remember, there were no computers, smart phones or websites like we have today, so this was certainly pioneering back then.
The editions between January 1973 & May 1978 have been saved and are listed in pdf form from their website - our thanks to W Bro's Don Allcock & Eric Terry for making these fascinating reads available, of times gone by.

Amongst the many articles over this period we discovered one referring to our lodge. In the March 1974 edition (see pdf) it was reported that a team from the Canute Lodge visited our lodge for the purpose of singing the entered apprentice song to a new initiate. The request was made by the father of the initiate namely Leonard Bowden-Brown and I’m sure you have worked it out, his son was Brian Bowden-Brown.

W. Bro Leonard Bowden-Brown

A 'young' W. Bro Brian Bowden-Brown

Brian today...
This was a befitting start for Brian’s
Masonic career as he went on to become a superb ritualist, Master of our lodge on two occasions and raising considerable sums of money for charities over the years.